The readability of C++’s types is terrible, and most beginner tutorials don’t go into detail about how to read them. They at most discuss the difference between top-level const and low-level const. Many of my friends have asked me about this, and I’ve talked about it numerous times. So I thought, why not write a blog post on it?

A common misconception

Before talking about type reading in detail, I’d like to address a common misconception.

Q: What’s the type of a in int a[5]?

A: int[5], and will decay to int* when appropriate.

Q: What’s the type of a in int a[5][6]?

A: int[5][6], and will decay to int(*)[6], the pointer to int[6], when appropriate.

Because of the existence of decay rules, many C++ beginners consider array types and pointer types the same. But they are different.

Similarly, function types will also decay to pointer types. For instance, int(int, int) will decay to int(*)(int, int).

Solving equations

You might have seen some people saying that reading C++’s types is just solving equations. Let me explain this statement.

Leaving aside CVR (const, volatile, reference), the most basic declarations in C++ can be divided into two parts: the type names written on the leftmost are the type specifiers, and the rest are the declarators. These parts are inherited from C. They are the nastiest component of C++ types. These two names are not intuitive, I like to refer them as “return types” and “expressions”, as will be explained later. Let’s first start with a few examples.

DeclarationType SpecifierDeclarator
int ainta
int* aint*a
int a[5]inta[5]
int* a[5]int*a[5]
int (*a)[5]int(*a)[5]

After separating these two parts, it is now easy to understand how the types of as above are determined: using a as the form of the declarator, then the type of the return value is just the type specifier. The so-called equation solving is just such a process:

  1. From int *a[5] we have that the type of *a[5] is int.
  2. That is, dereferencing a[5] returns a int, which means the type of a[5] is int*.
  3. That is, indexing a returns a int*, which means the type of a is an array of 5 int*

Another example:

  1. From int (*a)[5] we have that the type of (*a)[5] is int.
  2. That is, indexing (*a) returns a int, which means the type of (*a) is int[5].
  3. That is, dereferencing a returns a int[5], which means the type of a is a pointer to int[5].

You can see that the operator precedence here is exactly the same as in expressions, and the form is basically the same as well.

One more example:

  1. From int (*a)(int, int) we have that the type of (*a)(int, int) is int.
  2. That is, calling (*a) in the form of (int, int) returns a int, which means the type of (*a) is a function that has two int parameters and returns a int, i.e., int(int, int).
  3. That is, dereferencing a returns int(int, int), which means the type of a is a pointer to int(int, int).

A more complex example:

  1. From int (*(Foo::*a[5])(int, int))(int) we have that the type of (*(Foo::*a[5])(int, int))(int) is int.
  2. So the type of (*(Foo::*a[5])(int, int)) is int(int).
  3. So the type of (Foo::*a[5])(int, int) is a pointer to int(int), i.e., int(*)(int).
  4. So the type of (Foo::*a[5]) is a function that has two int parameters and returns a int(*)(int).
  5. So the type of a[5] is a member pointer to that function.
  6. So the type of a is an array of 5 that member pointers.

In short, you can consider the declarator as an expression, and the type of this expression is the type specifier. Using this rule, you can infer the type backward.

Of course, writing complex types in the way shown above is not recommended. That declaration is only for illustration. In real world code, it might be written as the following:

struct Foo {
    auto bar(int, int) -> int(*)(int);

decltype(&Foo::bar) a[5];

Before C++11, you can use typedef to decompose that declaration to improve readability.

struct Foo {
    typedef int (*bar_t)(int);
    bar_t bar(int, int);

typedef Foo::bar_t (Foo::*foo_bar_t)(int, int);
foo_bar_t a[5];

Such type aliases are very common in C.

But if the type comes from demangling, it will be the hideous one-line looking.

Multi-variable declarations

After you can distinguish between type specifiers and declarators, it’s easy to understand the rules of C++ multi-variable declarations. In multi-variable declarations, the comma-separated declarators (the expressions) share one type specifier (the return type). For example:

int *a, b;

The type of a is int* while the type of b is int, since * is a part of the declarator. If you wish to define two pointers, you should write int *a, *b instead.

More complex examples follow the same rules. Since I can’t think of any point in doing this, I won’t give more examples.

const and volatile

const and volatile take the same position in declarations, and they can be used together. Here for simplicity, only const will be used in the following examples. All const below can be (syntactically) legally replaced by volatile, const volatile, and volatile const. The latter two are semantically equal.

const usually has a clear meaning, as in const int a and int (*a)(const std::string&). Confusions of const often involve pointers. For pointers, const needs to express two meanings:

  1. The pointer itself is const, i.e., it cannot point to other values, like char *const a.
  2. The pointee it points to is const, i.e., you cannot modify the pointee through the pointer, like const char* a.

When there are nested pointers, we also have to consider the const property of those inner pointers, so the types become complicated. With the previous knowledge, we can divide consts into consts on type specifiers and consts on declarators. Look at the following type:

const int * const * * const a;

The leftmost const is on the type specifier, and the rest consts are on the declarators.

consts on type specifiers are required to be placed aside type specifiers. Both const T and T const are legal and semantically equal. Thus, the above example can be written as:

int const * const * * const a;

They both mean that

  1. The type of * const * * const a is const int (cannot modify ***a).

To distinguish that which const specifies which part, you only need to take care that when you encounter a const during the equation solving.

  1. The type of * * const a is a const pointer to const int (cannot modify **a).
  2. The type of * const a is a non-const pointer to the previous pointer (can modify *a).
  3. The type of a is a const pointer to the previous pointer (cannot modify a).

The famous C++ book C++ Primer divides consts into top-level consts and low-level consts. The term top-level const refers to the const that specifies the pointer itself, i.e., the innermost one; the term low-level const refers to the rest.

& and &&

References in C++ is very special. Since C++ standard specifies that references don’t necessarily occupy memory space, you can’t write arrays of references (int& a[5]) and pointers to references (int&* a) and many other reference related types. I think it’s a huge design failure. It adds a lot of obstacles out of nowhere.

Anyway, except for function types (and types that contains function types) where & and && can appear in the argument type and return value type, in other cases & and && can only appear at the top level of the type. The meaning of “top-level” here is the same as top-level const in the previous section.

Directly nesting & and &&, like int& && a, is not allowed. But indirectly nesting them is allowed. For example:

using ref1 = int&&;
using ref2 = ref1&&;
using ref3 = ref2&;

In this case, reference collapsing will occur. The rule of reference collapsing is simple: if there are all &&, then final type will be &&; if there is one &, then the final type will be &. So the ref2 above is actually int&&, while the ref3 is int&.

Another usage of && is in templates. If T is a template parameter, then T&& (without const and volatile) is a universal reference. It has the following rules:

  1. If the argument passed to T&& has type Foo&, then T is inferred to Foo&, then T&& becomes Foo& after reference collapsing.
  2. If the argument passed to T&& has type Foo&&, then T is inferred to Foo, then T&& becomes Foo&& after reference collapsing.

Note that it’s important that T is inferred to what type, because you might want to use T somewhere inside the template.

Member functions

In C++, sometimes we can see code like this:

struct Foo {
    int a(int, int) const;

struct Bar {
    int a(int, int) &&;

This is easy to understand. Each non-static member function in C++ has an implicitly defined this pointer that points to the instance. The const and && written after it are used to specify instances.

On some other languages like Rust and Python, the passed instance is written explicitly as the first parameter, whereas in C++ it is implicit (before C++23). So you have to add type specifiers elsewhere. The following examples loosely reveal how those type specifiers work.

struct Foo {
    // void a(const Foo& this_, int) {
    //     const Foo* this = &this_;
    // }
    void a(int) const&;

    // void a(Foo&& this_, int) {
    //     Foo* this = &this_;
    // }
    void a(int) &&;

    // void a(Foo& this_, int) {
    //     Foo* this = &this_;
    // }
    void a(int) &;

    // foo.a(1) -> Foo::a(foo, 1)

struct Bar {
    // void a(const Bar& this_, int) {
    //     const Bar* this = &this_;
    // }
    // or just:
    // void a(const Bar* this, int);
    void a(int) const;

    // void a(Bar& this_, int) {
    //     Bar* this = &this_;
    // }
    // or just:
    // void a(Bar* this, int);
    void a(int);

    // bar.a(1) -> Bar::a(bar, 1)
    // or:
    // bar.a(1) -> Bar::a(&bar, 1)

Member functions with references cannot be overloaded with member functions without references. You either choose the set demonstrated by Foo or the set demonstrated by Bar. Some other possible overloads, such as those with volatile, are omitted.

typedef and using

I have shown examples of typedef and using in previous sections. The syntax of typedef is exactly the same as defining a variable. The only one difference in syntax between typedef and using is that using put the type name in the left. In the following example, both foo_t and bar_t have the same type of func_ptr.

int (*func_ptr)(int);
typedef int (*foo_t)(int);
using bar_t = int(*)(int);

Compared to typedef, one advantage of using is that it can use templates. E.g.,

template<typename T>
using foo_t = std::vector<T>;

foo_t<int> foo;

Before C++11, you can implement this through wrapping typedef by a struct or a class. E.g.,

template<typename T>
struct Bar {
    typedef std::vector<T> type;

Bar<int>::type bar;

This post only discusses types, so other semantics of using will be skipped.


The components of the C++ declaration statement are quite complex, not just the type specifiers and declarators. But the rest of them are much more human-friendly, and many of them are not part of types. For those who interested in learning more, please read cppreference.

Types could have been clear and easy to read, it’s just that C and C++’s design is terrible. Now that you’ve read this article, congratulations on solving a problem that doesn’t even exist in other languages.